St Augustine
Extra Curricular Activities

Girls Volleyball
Depending on our numbers, Mrs. Kirkpatrick works with our Grade 6-8 students in Volleyball where they practice bth at our school indoors and out as well as at the Notre Dame gym. Players participate in games with surrounding schools and sometimes are invited to play in elementary school tournaments.

Based on a program created by Reebok, BOKS is a high energy program that Mrs. Reinson runs before school a few days a week. Because the majority of the activities are geared towards being outdoors, Mrs. Reinson will typically run the program during the Fall and Spring months. This is a great opportunity for our students to wake up and start their day right with some physical fitness.

Cross Country
In the Fall, Mrs. Reinson facilitates a group of students from Grade 3-8 in a cross country program which assists in developing long distance running skills on a variety of outdoor courses. St. Augustine School hosts their own Cross Country Meet in October, inviting surrounding schools, as well has numerous opportunities to attend meets in Rouleau, Radville, Lumsden, and White City.

St. Augustine students and staff look forward to our annuale K-8 Spring Musical and Dessert Theatre. What started as a on-hit-wonder, turned into an annual event that community members and students all enjoy being a part of. Auditions take place before Christmas and practices run in January-April, with the big performance in April after Easter.